Breakaway News Volume 20 Issue No. 8 August 2015

Permanent Press

Does your company do mass press distributions? Are you the one putting together the swag bags that need to be send out all over the city?  We can help!  For any delivery of more than 10 stops, just e-mail us a spreadsheet and we’ll take care of the rest. Learn more at We can even help stuff the goody bags! 

Feelin’ Hot, Hot, Hot

They call them the Dog Days of summer, originally because of the sunrise appearance of Sirius, the Dog Star. Now they’re just the hottest time of year, when many flee to the beach and we all move just a little more slowly. Except, of course, for our ever-so-speedy Breakaway messengers.  So if you’re stuck in the office on a summer Friday afternoon and need a package delivered ASAP, we’ve got you covered.

Bike Hike - We Like

 Citi Bike has announced that August 10th will be the date for its long-awaited expansion. Williamsburg,   Greenpoint and Long Island City will get 91 docking stations this summer, finally bringing bike sharing to the outer boroughs. Next up is a more ambitious, and perhaps contentious, expansion into the Upper West and East Sides. Stay tuned.

  Super Duper Rush

We knew he was fast, but we didn’t know he was that fast! Messenger T1000, who went by the name New Horizons, heard that NASA wanted to fly by Pluto. So, he convinced them to give us the job, and he jumped on his ride and took off. Literally! He’s currently speeding by Pluto at 30,000 mph. We crunched the numbers, and that means that when he gets back, he can deliver from midtown to Wall Street in 0.5 seconds. Speedy!

Chris Vroooom!! 

Cheerio and pip pip and all that! I know, we said that last month, but we get to say it again to congratulate Chris Froome of Great Britain, the winner of the 2015 Tour de France. This is his second Tour victory.  For those counting, the Brits have now won three of the last four Tours de France. Rule Britannia!

 Elevator Talk

“Oh, did you see that fight on Twitter between Ashley and Chloe?! Wasn’t that ridiculous?!” #likegagmewithaspoon.
Just another one of the titillating conversations overheard by our messengers every day.

Stump the Band

 Last month we asked what celestial phenomena was seen July 4th. Answer: Perhaps the ultimate in fireworks, SN 1054, a supernova, was recorded by Chinese and Arabic astronomers on July 4 in the year 1054. Its remnant forms the Crab Nebula.

 T-Shirt Question

 The dog days of summer occur during August, as do meteor showers. What was the month originally called? The first one to call Gil Ortiz with the correct answer will win a coveted Breakaway T-shirt.