Breakaway News Volume No. 21 Issue No. 3 March 2016

March Gladness

Happy Holidays! Yes, we know, it isn’t Christmas or even close, but March is also holiday-laden. They kick off with the wearing of the green for St. Patrick’s Day on the 17th, and then Purim begins on the 23rd and ends on the 24th.  Then we swing right into Good Friday (the 25th) and finally end on Easter on the 27th. Breakaway wishes all our devout followers a happy March holiday season, whatever you celebrate! 

Don’t Be Late

Spring is here, and you know what that means: It’s time to set the clocks forward and lose an hour of sleep. Daylight savings time begins on Sunday, March 13th, at 2:00am. That means you’ll have an extra hour of daylight for all those March holidays coming up!

Don’t Be Late, II

No, we’re not repeating ourselves, despite the title of this item. But, as many of our customers are aware, March 15th is the corporate tax deadline. So if you need tax documents shipped really fast between you and your accountant, we have the speedy cyclists for the job.   They’re never late.

 Truck It

Have you got stuff? Do you have big stuff? No, we mean really big stuff that needs to get somewhere, and in a hurry? Well, we’re here for you! We have some big trucks and even lift-gate vehicles ready to tackle whatever you can throw at it. Unless it’s a nuke. Then we don’t want it.

Vintage Whine

 Although the cycling season is only just starting, it’s not too early to start thinking of the Tour. Especially when there are already hilarious stories going around.  To wit: French wine makers in the Langeudoc region are threatening to blockade the road when the Tour passes through. Why? Because the Tour this year is being sponsored by – of all things – a Chilean wine. As you might imagine, Gallic pride is on the line.

Super Leap Year

2016 is a leap year, with an extra day added in February. Here at Breakaway, we’ve decided to add it to March, giving it an extra day. Why? Because Super Tuesday is so massive, we figured it could use an extra day. Now you have no excuse! Get out and vote! Somewhere!

Stump the Band

Last month we asked who was the first to calculate the earth’s circumference. Answer: Eratosthenes, using the angles of shadows cast by obelisks at Aswan and Alexandria.

 T-Shirt Question

The Chileans may have the French in a lather over wine, but what grape variety was first cultivated in Chile? The first one to call Gil Ortiz with the correct answer will win a coveted Breakaway T-shirt.